Well, I guess I came back to Minnesota too soon. A week ago the temperature was around the 60's here. Today when I got up it was 10 degrees out and snow was predicted. But that's all right. I'll stay inside and listen to a great selection of music. The sounds flowing from the CD player always perks me up and inspire my creative juices.
I'm sure you've all heard the expression "Music soothes the soul," but it also offers other magical benefits. In an August 2015 magazine article, I wrote about a music therapist who works with clients who are autistic or physically challenged, including stroke victims. She said music awakens something deep within their minds. The same has been found to be true for Alzheimer's patients exposed to music in nursing homes. Frequently people snap out of the world they appear to be locked in while listening to familiar music. Many hospitals have taken a leap forward too, concerning music after seeing its soothing effects on patients, and brought in harpists and pianists to perform on a regular basis.
There are many other ways music's magic powers are played out. Grocery stores and businesses play music to influence shoppers to stay longer and buy more. And a study twenty-some years ago when my children were still in grade school demonstrated how listening to classical music during test time improved student's scores.
It's been proven that music has magical powers, so imagine what it can do for us as writers. Many writer friends have shared that they play music to help put them in the right frame of mind when writing. And that's what I do too. I think about the tale I'm about to write (characters, setting, time period) and then I go through our collection of CD's and records and select what's best suited for my needs.
If you've never given a thought to listening to music while you're writing, why not give it a try. You may be surprised how its magic powers inspire you. And let me know what kind of music inspired you during the writing process.
By the way, I finished rewriting my first novel the last day of my vacation time in Florida. Now on to novel six.
Until Next Time.
This is Marlene Chabot
Mystery Author