It seems like everyone these days is trying to balance a zillion things at once, and the stress can be destructive to our health. How do we slow down and balance things out? It's not easy.
When I worked full time, I also volunteered at school, church and for other projects. In order to get chores done at home and meals on the table on time, I decided to wash clothes on Wednesdays and Thursdays before work. Clean the house on Friday evenings or Saturday mornings. Make extra meals to freeze and bake in the evenings. I honestly don't remember where ironing fit in, Maybe Sunday night after kids were in bed. That left Saturday evening and Sunday for the family.
Now that I belong to the retired community, most people think I goof off all day. Not true. It's crazier than ever especially since we've been trying to sell our log home for sometime and have to have the house in mint condition at all times for prospective buyers. Today, I washed 17 windows and screens for the lower level, washed curtains, biked to a neighbors to pick up something and washed dishes. It's almost three p.m. and I'm finally getting to this blog that I hoped to keep up with every two weeks. But I still haven't had time to finish my fifth novel that I hoped to send it off to be published this year.
Some things you just have to let go of in order to maintain balance. It's all about prioritizing. As a working Mom, I realized I didn't have to vacuum and dust every week, but the dishes and clothes needed to be washed. In the present moment, with the house up for sale I've cut back my book events for the summer. But since I want to continue being a freelance writer and novelist, I've decided maybe the short story I wanted to enter in an anthology this fall will have to be forgotten. That's all right. There'll will be more book events and anthologies for me.
Taking a short walk, bike ride, visiting or talking to a friend, or even watching the birds at the feeders is something I squeeze into my busy schedule. It helps relieve stress and even balance out the day.
Look at what you can do in your busy life to help you have better balance in it. Maybe it will be sitting in a quiet little nook somewhere drafting a poem or short story.
Until Next Time
This is Marlene Chabot
Mystery Novelist
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